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There really should be a separate "biohazard bin" for household waste collection IMO. Waste management workers shouldn't have to deal with used needles and COVID test samples in the same stream as harmless plastic packaging and mis-sorted recycling, and it would also protect people from accidentally exposing themselves to biohazards when collecting the trash from indoor bins.

Although I guess the problem is, people will just be lazy and inconsiderate (or, rarely, genuinely unaware of the introduction of a biohazard bin) and keep putting their homemade bioweapons in the regular trash anyway (because fuck waste management workers, am I right? it's not like they provide a critical public service or anything. btw I love cops and the military #thinblueline)

anyways that concludes this episode of ~keith ranting about random fucking topics. tune in next week when we'll be discussing the hostile sociopolitical climate of the Canadian trout population