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Content warning: furry porn

in reply to Pup Keith DX Director's Cut

also for those of you on Mastodon-based server software, this is what happens when I try to CW an image. I tried my best. I will patch it later.
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Content warning: furry porn

in reply to Pup Keith DX Director's Cut

Content warning: furry porn

in reply to shitpostalotl ==>

Content warning: furry porn

in reply to Pup Keith DX Director's Cut

the text part of the post was CW'd correctly. it's almost as if one of these things is meant for text and another for images. however this brings up the question of when you would ever want to CW just the text??
in reply to shitpostalotl ==>

@shitpostalotl (they/he) the ActivityPub abstract (content warning) applies to the entire post object though, including any instances of attached media.
in reply to Pup Keith DX Director's Cut

@shitpostalotl (they/he) I think it's actually the summary attribute that gets used as a content warning, which is already nonstandard, but the least you could do is not fuck up the semantics by having it not apply to the entire object