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in reply to Citlali :therian:

@nullobsi ive been dealing perfectly with my 60% for the past like, year and a half. im just really curious if i can at all manage anything under that
in reply to Citlali :therian:

i use JIS keyboard layout because i like where the symbols are located better
in reply to Pup Keith DX Director's Cut

@keith @nullobsi the only thing i really NEED a numpad for is either excel stuff, or blender ortho camera view controls. both are super niche, and in my day to day this thing's otherwise been no compromise.

arrow keys are bound to Fn+WASD, Fn itself is bound to holding down caps lock (which you never otherwise hold down anyway, and still acts as caps when u just tap it), and Home/End/Ins etc are also rare and end up on the other side of the board under that same Fn layer :3
in reply to :konsti: :villain_heart: Portable doggie @ his room

@:konsti: sony teenyDog LLC Yeah, I guess it's not that bad, but it's certainly less comfortable for me than shift+arrows.

Anyways, here's the current layout for the custom keyboard I want to make eventually:

I tried to optimize the symbol placement for writing Lisp code, while sticking to QWERTY since it's too deeply entrenched into my brain. ...And then I decided to do the cursed thing with the arrow keys and essentially turn it into a split keyboard minus the benefits of a split keyboard. I don't remember what inspired that, but as horrible as it looks, I feel like it might actually work.

in reply to Pup Keith DX Director's Cut

@keith oh gosh yeah i feel a bit of dread looking at that and wondering how long itd take to adapt. not just the ortho part, but also the slightly diff layouting of it all in general. surprised by the split of media-specific keys along the two far edges of the board tbh.

then again it does look like a fun layout! just prolly wayyyy too much for someone like me, but thats where personalization comes in haha
in reply to Pup Keith DX Director's Cut

@keith SA profile keycaps will do that haha. i remember seeing one with a left mounted numpad too and idk if itd help me as a lefty, re-training muscle memory to not expect ctrl/shift/tab to be leftmost may be weird, but i like the novelty of em :3
in reply to :konsti: :villain_heart: Portable doggie @ his room

@:konsti: sony teenyDog LLC Honestly having the numpad on the left sounds a lot more balanced, it sucks having the part of the keyboard I use the most offset to the left on the keyboard itself PLUS having to leave space for the mouse
in reply to Pup Keith DX Director's Cut

@keith yknow you raise a good point, and i realize that exact part kind of felt weird whenever i tried laptops w a numpad on em - the whole offset thing, since you cant just nudge your kb over to center it on alphas
in reply to :konsti: :villain_heart: Portable doggie @ his room

@:konsti: sony teenyDog LLC The media key placements are actually relatively close to where they are on my laptop's keyboard (although it definitely isn't this wide).

I unfortunately need to write a custom Lisp-based operating system for use with this keyboard if I want to get any use out of the wacky custom keys (complete, debugger, inspect, the entire left flank) (and no, I don't have any idea what the difference between "break" and "debugger" is supposed to be)
in reply to Pup Keith DX Director's Cut

@keith youve dived much more into the deep end than me haha. most i would ever maybe do is hook in some autohotkey scripts, or whatever QMK lets me do natively
in reply to :konsti: :villain_heart: Portable doggie @ his room

@:konsti: sony teenyDog LLC Yeah, fair enough, I'm just really into Lisp, which is what kicked off this whole thing. It was inspired by the Symbolics "space cadet" keyboards and their abundance of batshit random special function keys, and also by me becoming extremely pissed off at having to press Shift to type parentheses every 0.2 microseconds
in reply to Pup Keith DX Director's Cut

@keith also per the media keys thing, i noted bc id imagine less hand travel would be better, but then again with the layout you have, you could control both in conjunction using both ur hands. probably my "small hands" thing factoring in again haha
in reply to :konsti: :villain_heart: Portable doggie @ his room

@:konsti: sony teenyDog LLC That and I don't tend to use the playback controls as much as the volume controls, so I figured it'd be fine to break them up like that to keep the screen centered(ish)
in reply to Pup Keith DX Director's Cut

@keith what i really wanna do at some point is get a blank keycap set and print a bulgarian-only legend on em (not so much out of necessity but bc i think itd look neat & its prolly less weird than those folks that get hiragana/katakana ingrained boards for no reason), but other than that for the moment id prolly stick to smth pretty vanilla
in reply to :konsti: :villain_heart: Portable doggie @ his room

I use home and end a LOT, and i’m glad that macos at least lets fn + arrow keys substitute for pgup pgdown and home end
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Citlali :therian:  
exactly i need ALL my buttons
in reply to Citlali :therian:

okay only thing that gets annoying with num pad is that it requires me to put my mouse way to the right usually
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@Yoshi @nullobsi yknow what i should get myself a separate numpad at some point for the hell of it
in reply to :konsti: :villain_heart: Portable doggie @ his room

yeah, i mean i don’t use the numpad THAT often but I do know it a little

i would probably get one and then have it to the right of the mousepad, idk that makes sense to me
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Citlali :therian:  
i have the steelseries apex pro full size JIS layout
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Citlali :therian:  
based as hell
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I'm using my trusty Lenovo/IBM keyboard that used to shipped with ThinkCentre of that period. @Yoshi

The biggest perk it has is the ability to re-route the cable to the left, right or centre.

Might not consider switching it to anything else until this died on me.
in reply to :konsti: :villain_heart: Portable doggie @ his room

I bought an HHKB Lite 2 cheap on Yahoo Auctions a while ago but I haven't used it much since I mainly use laptops. :P

Cool little nugget though. Wish I could put custom keycaps on it but alas, 'tis rubber dome. =u=;;;