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Pup Keith DX Director's Cut reshared this.

Content warning: lewd shitpost, disaster

Pup Keith DX Director's Cut reshared this.

Well that works (mostly, the mouse is weird but I'll chalk that up to Haiku for now). #HaikuOS #Commodore #Amiga
in reply to Topaz 🐇

Is Haiku still a thing, or has that project closed like I've heard about?

Pup Keith DX Director's Cut reshared this.

New #MegaMan lore dropped:

Zero was at one point going to be Roll, whom Wily captured and modified.

You know what, I can see the resemblance.

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

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the TRUTH they dont want you to know about japanese vowels

fact: japanese sometimes uses ヴ to represent the "V" sound in loanwords
fact: ヴ is a vowel, U, with a voicing mark(!)
therefore: V is a voiced U
therefore: japanese lets you voice vowels
therefore: ア, イ, エ, and オ must also have voiced variants (ア゙, イ゙, エ゙, and オ゙)


in reply to shitpostalotl

Content warning: Explaining the joke

in reply to Pup Keith DX Director's Cut

Content warning: Explaining the joke

in reply to Erik Uden ⁂🥥🌴🍑

Hast du etwas gesehen von den Polar Lichtern? Hier war nix, als wir gegen 24 Uhr am Meer waren
in reply to Ines64

@Ines64 ein bisschen was! Vielleicht habe Ich es mir auch nur eingebildet!

Pup Keith DX Director's Cut reshared this.

i sucked cock at the bathroom at lockheed martin and all i got was this silly tshirt

just tabbed out of friendica and immediately opened a second friendica tab. what is wrong with me

Content warning: gay


Content warning: gay


Pup Keith DX Director's Cut reshared this.

Just thinking about the Helldivers 2 situation. And it makes me wish so, so, so badly that game devs would realize that making a deal with Sony is literally making a deal with the Devil. IT ISN'T WORTH IT! Your game is genuinely better off not existing than being published by Sony! Don't do it!

#helldivers2 #Sony #psn

Pup Keith DX Director's Cut reshared this.

>This site is delightfully retro! I don't suppose you'd be willing to share the source code? I've been wanting to design a static one myself.

Hi! I'm so sorry for this super-late response; I was away from my desktop for a bit, and I forgot about this until now. I've just published a Git repository with most of my site's source code:
It's probably overkill for a static site, but I hope you find some of it useful anyway. And let me know how your…

in reply to Macintosh Themes

is incredible this theme is called "something Eche-something" and I like exactly green and blue colors of that shade.

Pup Keith DX Director's Cut reshared this.

Content warning: hypno kink

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in reply to Flesh 🐀

Content warning: hypno kink

in reply to Flesh 🐀

Content warning: hypno kink

Pup Keith DX Director's Cut reshared this.

Remember not to get the two confused:

Polyamory: I have multiple partners.
Pollyarmoury: I have multiple parrots. As weapons.

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

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if people leave telegram for discord of all places i'm going to shoot myself in the head :)

i'm already enough of an outcast from my own communities for not being able to use discord. if the furries and pups on telegram move there too I will seriously kill myself.

god fucking dammit.

in reply to Pup Keith DX Director's Cut

like please move to matrix, xmpp, or signal, they have better security anyway. but that's not gonna fucking happen because people are stupid and awful and can't shake their fucking obsession with a horrible chat app written by pedophiles and glowies

Pup Keith DX Director's Cut reshared this.

Content warning: FediBlock | New Kind of Ad on the Fediverse

in reply to Erik Uden ⁂🥥🌴🍑

Content warning: FediBlock | New Kind of Ad on the Fediverse

in reply to Erik Uden ⁂🥥🌴🍑

Content warning: FediBlock | New Kind of Ad on the Fediverse

Pup Keith DX Director's Cut reshared this.

Sometimes leftists in the US say dumb shit like “anarchists just co-opt other groups demonstrations”

and I just had an epiphany that a proper response to that is “yeah and maybe if you encouraged people to think for themselves instead of follow a megaphone, maybe there’d be no need to!”

in reply to Riots Worked vs Tear Gas Tim

maybe if MLs and sucdems and ducfucs stopped co-opting our movements we wouldn't have to re-appropriate them
in reply to Black Stag

@BlackStag I am not sure what “ducfucs” refers to but i am going to have this word stuck in my head for awhile 😅🦆🍆