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Pup Keith DX Director's Cut reshared this.

I like right to repair, but I don't think it goes far enough. I'd like "right to openness", where every gadget I buy that depends on some external service (think fitbit cloud or iot clouds) needs to use open protocols such that I can build my own service. Ideally also make the software on the device open too. For now, before I buy anything, I make sure I can replace the external service or there's some way to reverse engineer it.

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in reply to وردي :arabi_gay: 🇵🇸

In the meantime, did anyone crack epson printers? I got one for free and I'm trying to make it accept unauthorized ink
in reply to وردي :arabi_gay: 🇵🇸

Hell I'd like my Epson multifunction to work with authorized ink. It won't even let me *scan* because it thinks the print cartridge is bogus. Grrrr.

Pup Keith DX Director's Cut reshared this.

ive noticed that twitter furries are always like "yeah be weird!" and then they make a callout post on someone for being weird
in reply to agatha :v_trans: :v_lesbian:

i spent 6 years on that hellscape i should hope i know it very well by this point

in reply to Pup Keith DX Director's Cut

more programs needs to be fun in general. Custom skins, easter eggs, feel like a labour of love rather than being so sterile.

Pup Keith DX Director's Cut reshared this.

every other day i get a new wolfboy to crush on and thirst over. i am normal

Pup Keith DX Director's Cut reshared this.

*clears throat*

Bworf, bwORF, bark! Arwf, bworf! Awoo! børk! BwORF! Arf! bark! BØRK! bworf, Arf!, bwORF, awroo, arf, bwORF! Børk!

This had to be said.

Pup Keith DX Director's Cut reshared this.

fucking love this image on one of the websites for a gigabyte motherboard

Pup Keith DX Director's Cut reshared this.

chell: EEEEEYIKES!! how am i supposed to "Test" this "Chamber" if this mean robot lady wants these turrets to kill me?!

the portals:

blue cat
orange cat
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

thinking about that time someone on a... certain side of fedi argued that mexican people don't exist

in reply to Macintosh Themes

I miss UI themes having creativity and exploring new options, unlike now where your lucky if there is just a "dark mode"

Pup Keith DX Director's Cut reshared this.

Content warning: Info for Artists / Fedi meta (?)

Pup Keith DX Director's Cut reshared this.

Okay so to be clear I understand that emacs is A Lot to learn so not everything about it is for everyone

but I think elisp and the ability to define your own commands in the UI that have parity with built-in commands is something that I find myself wishing basically everything had

there was this brief period in the late '00s early '10s where the web was starting to have that character as people were building css/js combos that were basically operating as overlays on top of other sites at least somewhat seamlessly

but that seems to have pretty much disappeared

Unknown parent

lynn / clarissa  
@tilton oh yeah like it was almost literally what I was raised on when I first started using computers in the 00s, I'm typing this from a mastodon-mode right now lol

Pup Keith DX Director's Cut reshared this.

Why doesn't anyone use /these/ anymore. I kind of hate that markdown uses *these* for italics when everyone knows that *this* is bold and /this/ is italics

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in reply to Astryr the Seiber-Swynwraig

the real tragedy is that unlike asterisks text renderers typically consider slashes line break opportunities

so you get /
this/, sometimes

but yeah, partial agree. we like asterisks for italics personally, but for plain text emphasis slashes are highly underappreciatied

in reply to Astryr the Seiber-Swynwraig

I think it's because IRC's hey-day is about a generation ago. Same reason getting a plaintext export is often impossible, why stuff needs a 5Mbit connection, why a Web site downloading fonts from google is normal.

oh god, I'm the old guy yelling at the cloud.

Pup Keith DX Director's Cut reshared this.

spotify is (allegedly) using ai to generate generic music (allegedly) attributed to made up fake artists with generic names that (allegedly) suspiciously only exist on spotify to (allegedly) fill their famous pre-made playlists to (allegedly) send out to users to (allegedly) avoid having to pay actual artists and (allegedly) get 100% of the income instead of 30%
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to millions :spinny_cat_bi:

do you use linux because if so do you know why using pulseeffects for eq mutes rhythmbox

Pup Keith DX Director's Cut reshared this.

if you pay for a lot of streaming services, i promise you that if you cancel all of them you will be significantly less stressed and suddenly have a lot more money
in reply to nano :neocat_floof:

i used to pay for a lot of subscription services. apple music, discord nitro, telegram premium, etc, and it was EXTREMELY stressful suddenly seeing £10 drop out of my bank account and no longer having the headroom to buy something that i wanted

the only notable things i pay for now is my phone, my sim card, my internet, and google cloud storage, and ive never felt better mentally and had more spare money before

Pup Keith DX Director's Cut reshared this.

I never want to hear the term "organic ham" ever again I hate the implication of inorganic ham

Content warning: gay


Pup Keith DX Director's Cut reshared this.

has anyone made a browser extension that replaces the word “vote” with, for example, “burn shit”

Pup Keith DX Director's Cut reshared this.

fuck etsy

Etsy is about to ban the sale of most sex toys and sexual content (ANY depictions of genitalia and sex acts). Effective July 29th.

Non-penetrable and non-insertable toys and kink gear will still be allowed (for example: restraints, clamps, harnesses).

Nudity for models will be banned, including "genitalia, anuses, gluteal clefts [a.k.a. buttcracks] and female nipples/areolas."
(A LOT to unpack here...)

There will also be a ban on any "sexual references to familial relationships" in articles up for sale, such as "daddy's slut" or "choke me, mommy".

Read more in this article:
And in Etsy's updated guidelines:

in reply to nano :neocat_floof:

without ANY hint of irony WHATSOEVER, this is fucking dystopian
in reply to a l i c e

paypal did similar shit a few years ago. its disgusting. american companies are so fucking puritan its crazy

Pup Keith DX Director's Cut reshared this.

in reply to ChalkLlate ChalkLlate reshared this.

I've never used that fertilizer, it seems pretty pricy here in Canada. I didn't do a detailed calculation on dilution vs. overall cost though.

I have had good luck with Miracle-Gro Bloom Booster which I get in 1.5kg water soluble crystal form. I also use the tomato/fruit/vegetable one early in the season to promote green growth before flowering.

Caveat: I haven't looked at/analysed Miracle Grow products in any sort of detail against competitors, it's just what I've always used.

Pup Keith DX Director's Cut reshared this.

some asshole created like 100 accounts on my git server so i'm gonna kill myself BUT shoutouts to ~keith/bytes user "mcafeecomactivatesetup"