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May or may not be thinking about building a custom dancepad-style controller for purposes completely unrelated to DDR (playing video games with just your paws)

Pup Keith DX Director's Cut reshared this.

Content warning: I made my dad’s urn explode by using a WWII gun that killed fascists

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in reply to WarezWolf

Then all three of us did firing squad style lmao
in reply to WarezWolf

Content warning: me shooting dad's urn with a M1 Garand

WarezWolf reshared this.

in reply to WarezWolf

Content warning: me posing with a gun and urn

WarezWolf reshared this.

in reply to WarezWolf

Content warning: me posing with a gun and urn

in reply to WarezWolf

Content warning: picture of my bruised shoulder

oh huh i actually kinda like my body when i bother to take care of it. who would've guessed

I wish I was living in an environment where I could communicate basic stuff with just barks, growls, and other non-verbal sounds...

Flesh 🐀 reshared this.

Remember kids: have a fucking low disk space alert on your server
in reply to Avery (She/Her)

@Avery (She/Her) yeah. went down a few hours ago because /var got full, don't let it happen to you.

also, if you use MariaDB, set expire_logs_days to a nonzero value in my.cnf, otherwise the binary replication logs will never get cleaned up (they're active by default even if you don't use replication)

Pup Keith DX Director's Cut reshared this.

Content warning: sarcasm, shitpost

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in reply to :maia:

Content warning: sarcasm, shitpost

in reply to Amber

Content warning: sarcasm, shitpost

Unknown parent


Content warning: re: sarcasm, shitpost


Pup Keith DX Director's Cut reshared this.

i spend a lot of energy trying to cultivate a thing of "you can talk to me about anything that makes you uncomfortable and i will never be mad at you" specifically because, like, what is the point in reaching out to other queer people if as soon as someone even vaguely feels like there's a problem they just cut you off with absolutely no reason

how are you meant to improve and grow and learn?

in reply to Astryr the Seiber-Swynwraig

like idk if i am associating with someone who is a shithead you can literally just tell me lmao. if i am fucking up, u can tell me.

like i think a lot of queers experience people whose impulse is to lash out or whatever but my immediate impulse is "fuk. how do i not do this again"

in reply to Astryr the Seiber-Swynwraig

but like every time i reach out to queer people its feels like it is reinforced that i am basically, utterly disposable. nobody cares enough to have a 5 minute chat with me about something that is bothering them, they just toss me out of the window.

im so tired T~T

in reply to Astryr the Seiber-Swynwraig Astryr the Seiber-Swynwraig reshared this.

Content warning: ableism

in reply to Vega Rose Claire Harmonia

Content warning: ableism

in reply to Vega Rose Claire Harmonia

I think on average autistic spaces are orders of magnitude worse than non-autistic spaces in terms of literally any kind of social conflict handling, etc.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Pup Keith DX Director's Cut reshared this.

  • Content warning: NSFW furry art, sheep, minecraft sex machine
  • Filtered word: nsfw

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in reply to terrehaute :doomGuySmile:

Content warning: re: NSFW furry art, sheep, minecraft sex machine

in reply to Def.X: :ms_raccoon: & :neomouse:

Content warning: re: NSFW furry art, sheep, minecraft sex machine

〜キース:同性愛のアナキストの犬のアクション! reshared this.

"the united states"? sorry no, you can cope, seethe, and "declare independence" all you want but you're still part of the Great British Empire 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧☕💂
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Pup Keith DX Director's Cut reshared this.

Doctors and Vampires both:

- weak to a certain plant based food (garlic and apples)

- bound by regulation to ask before entering

- have fun with blood

- can't cross arbitrary areas (sterile field, running water)

- die when staked in the heart

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

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Pup Keith DX Director's Cut reshared this.

British activists: sentenced to five years for conspiracy because of a ZOOM CALL

Activists everywhere: will probably keep using zoom :(

in reply to Riots Worked vs Tear Gas Tim

time to stop saying anything on the internet ever. (also by the way if you’re in the uk and you think you’re having a private conversation with a friend on a street, in a park, at a cafe… you are being recorded)
in reply to Riots Worked vs Tear Gas Tim Riots Worked vs Tear Gas Tim reshared this.

I think it's important to note that, apparently, a journalist from The Sun joined the call, recorded it, and forwarded the conversatiom to the police.

Zoom is for sure bad, but also maybe don't let snitches join the planning meetings.

boatderg Sam reshared this.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

actually, waking up in someone's arms makes me feel a little less awful and depressed about the world. y'all should try it sometime

in reply to Pup Keith DX Director's Cut

wayland fans when I tell them to have fun in yawland and proceed to spin them until they get motion sickness

in reply to Pup Keith DX Director's Cut

unfortunately i cannot specify where the tagged user is in the image. it would be very funny if i could though.

a feature for my own social networking protocol, i guess...

Pup Keith DX Director's Cut reshared this.

if we write enough bash we get to call it declarative

Pup Keith DX Director's Cut reshared this.

Content warning: shitpost

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in reply to :konsti: :villain_heart: Portable doggie @ FurDance 🇭🇺

Yes! Except when you have 4 windows open, 3 of which match and only one sticks out But I'd be absolutely on board with every single piece of software having its own look! :blobfoxbongo:

realistic pet play where i tear up the couch because you've left me alone for 5 minutes

Pup Keith DX Director's Cut reshared this.

I like right to repair, but I don't think it goes far enough. I'd like "right to openness", where every gadget I buy that depends on some external service (think fitbit cloud or iot clouds) needs to use open protocols such that I can build my own service. Ideally also make the software on the device open too. For now, before I buy anything, I make sure I can replace the external service or there's some way to reverse engineer it.

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in reply to وردي :arabi_gay: 🇵🇸

In the meantime, did anyone crack epson printers? I got one for free and I'm trying to make it accept unauthorized ink
in reply to وردي :arabi_gay: 🇵🇸

Hell I'd like my Epson multifunction to work with authorized ink. It won't even let me *scan* because it thinks the print cartridge is bogus. Grrrr.

Pup Keith DX Director's Cut reshared this.

ive noticed that twitter furries are always like "yeah be weird!" and then they make a callout post on someone for being weird
in reply to agatha :v_trans: :v_lesbian:

i spent 6 years on that hellscape i should hope i know it very well by this point

in reply to Pup Keith DX Director's Cut

more programs needs to be fun in general. Custom skins, easter eggs, feel like a labour of love rather than being so sterile.

Pup Keith DX Director's Cut reshared this.

*clears throat*

Bworf, bwORF, bark! Arwf, bworf! Awoo! børk! BwORF! Arf! bark! BØRK! bworf, Arf!, bwORF, awroo, arf, bwORF! Børk!

This had to be said.