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thank god I don't update this server's software as often as I should - it's unscathed by the XZ backdoor

Pup Keith DX Director's Cut reshared this.

There is no trans woman who is pure and squeaky clean enough that transphobes won't claim she's a predatory monster grooming children

This observation brought to you by seeing a "concerned parents" group trying to drum up panic over having Dana Simpson graphic novels at their school library

Dana flipping Simpson who has been making family friendly comics for, like, almost thirty years at this point

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in reply to clarissa

Content warning: tonally inappropriate humor

Unknown parent

@etrolleybus it's also funny because Phoebe and Her Unicorn has been a hit graphic novel series for yyyyears now and they're acting like this is a brand new thing they've discovered because something something wokes something institutional capture something something

Pup Keith DX Director's Cut reshared this.

LB: idk what possessed me 2 years ago to even try this, but making these things (almost) purely in vector is still my fave part of WebXP

Pup Keith DX Director's Cut reshared this.

i think going out camping for like a week away from humanity where i can just be an animal in the woods would fix me

Content warning: gay


Pup Keith DX Director's Cut reshared this.

Content warning: Explicit male masturbation, pup hood

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Unknown parent


Content warning: Explicit male masturbation, pup hood

in reply to PupTrash

Content warning: Explicit male masturbation, pup hood

Pup Keith DX Director's Cut reshared this.

I should have noticed something was up when the girls in grade school would give me treats and have me act like a dog.

when he gapes your hole like the aftermath of a taco bell binge on stool hardeners

Filtered word: nsfw

Pup Keith DX Director's Cut reshared this.

Content warning: Degenerate murrsuit porn / anal stuff

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Dalite Fur 🦊

Content warning: Degenerate murrsuit porn / anal stuff

in reply to Ghost

Content warning: Degenerate murrsuit porn / anal stuff

in reply to Dalite Fur 🦊

Content warning: Degenerate murrsuit porn / anal stuff

Pup Keith DX Director's Cut reshared this.

░Y░O░U░R░ ░P░U░S░S░Y░!? At this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the country, localized entirely within ░Y░O░U░R░ ░B░I░O░!?
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to nano

Yes and you call it ░Y░O░U░R░ ░P░U░S░S░Y░ despite the fact that it is obviously a phishing link?
in reply to nano nano reshared this.

Meanwhile in Finland

(it just means "big bag")

well, for some reason i decided to check out nostr lol. dunno what to make of it tbh, it... Definitely is full of bitcoin fanatics, but some of them seem chill.
also i like that it has nomadic identity w/ your "account" just being a public/private keypair - that's a big thing missing from ActivityPub imo.

but yeah idk lol

Pup Keith DX Director's Cut reshared this.

mfers need to stop publicly sharing their ai exploits on how to make ai help with cool and illegal things, and start using the ai to help with the cool and illegal things

Pup Keith DX Director's Cut reshared this.

I took a pic of this car a good while ago, with the owner yelling from across the street:


I hurriedly walked away until I realized the joke, and finally started cackling like a madman.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Pup Keith DX Director's Cut reshared this.

Some of you know today as π-day.

But the real insiders know that today is the 30th anniversary of the 1.0 release of Linux.

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Pup Keith DX Director's Cut reshared this.

Content warning: gay


Pup Keith DX Director's Cut reshared this.

While the EU is forcing all social networks equally to become federated, protect user's data, delete misinformation, and stop monopolistic or gatekeeping behavior, the US is banning foreign social networks under the pretense of “national security”.

With members of congress enacting this ban only acting in their own financial interests, as they own the stock of the competing American big tech companies [1]. Seriously, when have you seen 81% of congress agree on anything? To elect the speaker of the house it needed 18 votes and the split was disastrous.

To ban TikTok? Bipartisan decision. When it comes to representing corporate interests, the United States of America has one party.

A fine of $5,000 - $10,000 or an imprisonment of up to 20 years was supposed to be given for a different TikTok Ban (RESTRICT) last year [2], it is not certain what using a VPN to circumvent the ban would mean now.

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damn is it really that rare for people to actually kinda sleep better with another person in the same bed? am i weird for that???

eh fuck it, if wanting to be cuddled at night by several werewolf punks is wrong then i dont wanna be right

bogdan reshared this.

beautiful women named "anacron job cron.daily" are messaging me

Pup Keith DX Director's Cut reshared this.

experiencing species euphoria by smelling intensely of cum (it's mating season)

💡 Tip: Skin is a privilege that can be revoked at any time.