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Chalk Llate reshared this.

just had garlic bread

Chalk Llate reshared this.

Chalk Llate reshared this.

psychological needs: dog-head-shaped motorcycle helmet

Chalk Llate reshared this.

Chalk Llate reshared this.

youtube when my ad blocker is on: "oooHHHH PWEEEEASE turn off your ad blocker PWETTY PWEASE 🥺🥺🥺 ooooaahhhh we simply can't pay cweatows without ads!!!! 🥺😭"

youtube the moment ad blocking is off: "hey check out this ad from the We Want To Eradicate You And Your Weird Friends Foundation. prettty neat 👍"
in reply to arkywarky

@arcade I'll stop using revanced the day they can guarantee I never see another Epoch Times ad, that shit suuuucka

I have echolocation but instead of helping me find out where I am its just me making silly little sounds all the time

Playing peglin and wow are bomb strats really fun (they blow up my phone speakers killing me instantly)

twitter users going on the most vague ass website ever instead of fedi because they've "already tried mastodon"

Soulfire the Wolf reshared this.

Im going to "not cum" (i lied im spreading misinformation online)

Im going to "cum" (i lied im spreading misinformation online)

Chalk Llate reshared this.

Picking out an outfit
(art by Mushketeery)

#furry #furryart

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Content warning: character in undies, sfw tho

Chalk Llate reshared this.

smash bros but first person to lose the game loses their anal virginity or something idk

Chalk Llate reshared this.

cop toots: hey fellow criminals! what’s the most illegal crime you’ve ever done? post it below!

actual anarchist toots: what muppet do y’all think fucks best

reshared this

im opening he/they boyfriend applications if your pronouns have he or they feel free to gag me and throw me in your car trunk

in reply to zima

did you hear how they're now DDOSing themselves because of these changes

because they are

Chalk Llate reshared this.


ah my gay people! Gone forever! *blood curdling scream*

convincing my friends to use fedi instead of twitter <3

Chalk Llate reshared this.

Friends, we have preemptively blocked all FB related domains, and will continue to do so.

It is looking increasingly likely we will need to do the same with endpoints that are choosing to federate with them.

I know this is going to cause some people to build alts, and likely cause some people to leave.

Know that I do not take this choice lightly, and for any disruptions caused, I hope you understand this is not about making the town a less inviting place for you.

Chalk Llate reshared this.

Chalk Llate reshared this.

cooking some rice and it’s making me feel envious. i wish i could also bask in hot water for 15 minutes and turn into a radically more useful thing

Chalk Llate reshared this.

Chalk Llate reshared this.

I miss winter when it would be dark by 8:00 PM

Chalk Llate reshared this.

Chalk Llate reshared this.

Jesus fucking Christ.

I think I've found it. The worst way to select gender in video games; gender choice via your character's reaction to being in a helicopter.

in reply to maria :heart_clockwork:

i mean for that i just echo -n (set_color f4a4b4)"$USER"(set_color white)'@'(set_color 5bcefa)(prompt_hostname)' '

Chalk Llate reshared this.

prostate check required for ~KNS account creation

Chalk Llate reshared this.

Chalk Llate reshared this.

There really should be a separate "biohazard bin" for household waste collection IMO. Waste management workers shouldn't have to deal with used needles and COVID test samples in the same stream as harmless plastic packaging and mis-sorted recycling, and it would also protect people from accidentally exposing themselves to biohazards when collecting the trash from indoor bins.

Although I guess the problem is, people will just be lazy and inconsiderate (or, rarely, genuinely unaware of the introduction of a biohazard bin) and keep putting their homemade bioweapons in the regular trash anyway (because fuck waste management workers, am I right? it's not like they provide a critical public service or anything. btw I love cops and the military #thinblueline)

anyways that concludes this episode of ~keith ranting about random fucking topics. tune in next week when we'll be discussing the hostile sociopolitical climate of the Canadian trout population

Chalk Llate reshared this.

people talk about dragons fucking cars but they don't talk enough about big doggos fucking national landmarks
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to Pup Keith DX Director's Cut

oopsie (drowns thousands of tourists in cum) X3 I'm such a silly puppy

Chalk Llate reshared this.

Chalk Llate reshared this.

i really want to make a prosthetic dog tail that hooks up to a really simple brain activity sensor so it can respond to my emotional state (if that's something that can be easily measured)

but also furry transition stuff is widely regarded as "frivolous bullshit for rich people to waste their money on instead of giving it to the poor" which is... a social issue that's not going to get fixed in my lifetime. so either I have to find the magic secret trick to Stop Being Poor that nobody else has found in the history of capitalism, or I have to give up

Chalk Llate reshared this.

in reply to Pup Keith DX Director's Cut

or I could attach a fabric tail to one of those jiggly tail buttplugs meant for pup play, train myself to shake my ass when I'm happy, and wear that literally everywhere

Chalk Llate reshared this.

I think the fact that the CurseForge malware relies on systemd in order to fully compromise its host speaks to 1) the widespread fucking pandemic of distros that adopt the systemd tech stack, and 2) the importance of a healthy ecosystem of alternative init systems (which systemd destroyed) in limiting the reach of malware. In a world where everyone didn't just use systemd, malware authors would have to put in the extra effort of supporting multiple init systems. Users would also likely have to be manually involved in the process of installing a system service—yeah, it's more work, but at least now you're consciously thinking about what software your machine is configured to run at boot/login.

Chalk Llate reshared this.

Chalk Llate reshared this.

What do you call hot peppers in virtual reality?


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